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2013 年招收攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
考试科目名称: 706 外语(英)水平考试
I. Vocabulary and Structure (30 points)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are
4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and mark
your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
1Science involves imagination and creative thinking as well as ________ by themselves
are not science.
A collects information and performs experiments
B) collecting information and performing experiments facts
C) collecting informations and performing experiment
D) collects informations and perform experiment
2Aside from perpetuating itself, the ________ purpose of the American Academy and
Institute of Arts and Letters is to "foster, assist and sustain an interest" in literature, music,
and art.
A honorable B) sole C) common D) official
3Archaeological records – paintings, drawings, and carvings of humans engaged in
activities involving the use of hands – indicate that humans have been ________
right-handed for more than 5,000 years.
A) predominantly B) precautiously C) disciplinarily D) symmetrically
4Plant tissues contain a diverse array of toxic or potentially toxic substances, such as
resins, tannins, glycosides, and alkaloids, many of ________ are highly effective deterrents
to insects that feed on plants.
A) them B) that C) which D) who
5The system no longer had much interest ________ nontraditional new and extra services
to older youths.
A) on offering B) in offering C) offer D) offers
6These writers who can genuinely be said to have created a genre, the "railroad novel" are
now mostly forgotten, their names ________ memory.
A) disappear from B) disappeared C) faded from D) having faded from
7The engine that became standard on western steamboats was of a different and
________ design.
A) origin B) source C) fiction D) novel
8The high-pressure engine was ________ lighter in proportion to horsepower, and with
less than half as many moving parts was much easier and cheaper to repair.
A) more B) better C) far D) most
9The word laser was ________ as an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated
Emission of Radiation.
A) coined B) discovered C) composed D) mentioned
10 Being so educable, individual birds have markedly different interests and ________,
strategies and scams.
A) inclinations B) tricks C) opportunities D) experiences
11There has been a(n) ________ of violent attacks in the area in the past few months.
A) amount B) total C) number D) quality
12It is all very well to blame traffic jam, the cost of petrol and the fast pace of modem life,
but manners on the roads are becoming ________.
A. serious B. more tempting C. deplorable D. noticeable
13The faculty members were upset when they heard that the project ______have to be
A) might B) should C) need D) shall
14As computer security systems become even more advanced, ______the methods of
those who try to break into them illegally.
A) so too do B) so much do C) as much as D) as well as
15Graduate school and college are similar _________ you have to choose a field of study
and do in-depth research.
A) in that B) for that C) for which D) in which
16He doesn’t eat pork ,but ______that he’ll eat just about anything.
A) rather than B) no more than C. other than D. no longer than
17Thomas Edison was responsible for many _____in addition to the light bulb.
A) intentions B) imaginations C) instructions D) innovations
18Following the same rules all these years, the company is _______to any form of change.
A) resolved B) resistant C) restricted D) reserved
19Urban Japanese have long endured ________ commutes and crowded living conditions,
but as the old group and family values weaken, the discomfort is beginning to tell.
A) exclusive B) extended C) external D) exterior
20If a man ________, what's the best course of action you should take?
A) stands you off B) shows you up C) shows you off D) stands you up
21He had an ________ habit of emptying ash trays out of his upstairs window onto our
A) objectionable B) afflicting C) uneducated D) offending
22The jury ________ him of having committed the robbery and he was then sentenced to
five years’ imprisonment.
A) accused B) charged C) convicted D) acquitted
23The good news is that as long as people infected with HIV keep taking the triple-drug
________, they have an excellent chance of surviving the infection for a long time.
A) antigen B) cocktail C) microbe D) therapy
24The tax cuts are good news for the rich, but the poor ________ again.
A) lose on B) lose down C) lose out D) lose up
25The new strain of CJD was ________ in another case, bringing the total of suspected
victims to 13.
A) implicated B) implanted C) imposed D) implemented
26In some people’s opinion, this epidemic of the mad-cow disease has been at best a
clumsy mistake of the British government, but some of the opponents scolded it as a
A) disaster B) disappointment C) discredit D) disgrace
27You must ________ your old passport when applying for a new one.
A) resign B) surrender C) abandon D) quit
28The floor was unsafe, as some of the floor-boards had ________ away.
A) damaged B) destroyed C) rotted D) wasted
29Except for some colleges ________ by the Catholic church, all colleges and universities
in the United States, public and private, are governed by a board of trustees composed
primarily of laymen.
A) elevated B) granted C) patented D) sponsored
30 To the frustration of Hispanic publishers, advertising agencies often treat
Spanish-language or bilingual newspapers as ________ in their marketing plans.
A) afterthoughts B) advantages C) disturbances D) penetrations


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