
2023-06-21 999+ 195.05KB 9 页
第 1 页 共 9 页
学 2015
A 卷 码 357
; 考
I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (4×6)
1. The new national regulation would aid enforcement by clarifying who
is responsible for ensuring smoke-free environments, such as a restaurant
manager who should seek police help with uncooperative patrons, said
WHO's Chinese representative Bernhard Schwartlander.
2. Last week the Chinese government announced it is drafting a plan to
free up the sale of salt as part of its drive toward “the progressive
completion of the market system. Such change would be truly historic: the
Chinese state’s salt monopoly has survived 23 imperial dynasties, 37 years
of republican rule, and 65 years of Communist government.
3. A bicyclist riding in the wrong direction on a Venice street died
Thursday night after being hit by a car making a turn, authorities said.
4. The melt rate of glaciers in west Antarctica has tripled in the past 10
years due in large part to global warming, according to a new study.That
surge means the glaciers lost a Mount Everest-sized amount of water every
two years over the past 21 years, at roughly a mass of 91.5 billion tons per
year, according to scientists at NASA and the University of
第 2 页 共 9 页
II. Translate the following passages into Chinese. (66’)
Passage 1
Hong Kong police arrested 11 more people in a second night of scuffles
with demonstrators angry at having their 2-month-old pro-democracy protest
camp in a volatile neighborhood shut down, officials said Thursday.
Police also said they arrested seven of their own officers for assault in
connection with the Oct. 15 beating of a handcuffed protester during a violent
nighttime clash.
None of the seven officers were identified. There was public anger when
they were caught on camera apparently kicking and punching the protester in a
dark corner of an underpass where hundreds of police were battling activists.
In a statement, police denied accusations that their failure to immediately
arrest them meant they were delaying the case. Police said they were continuing
to investigate and collect evidence.
The latest arrests of the activists followed an aggressive operation by
authorities to clear out the protest camp on the busy streets of the crowded
Mong Kok district, one of three protest zones around the city. Police already
hold 148 people who have been detained since Tuesday, including high-profile
student leaders Joshua Wong and Lester Shum.
Wong, 18, heads the Scholarism group, while Shum, 21, is
second-in-command of the Hong Kong Federation of Students. The groups
have played important roles in organizing the protest movement seeking free
elections in the former British colony.
The protesters are demanding that Hong Kong's government scrap a plan
by China's Communist leaders to use a panel of Beijing-friendly elites to screen
candidates for the territory's top leader in inaugural 2017 elections.
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The clearance of the Mong Kok camp deals a blow to the movement,
which has had little to show after two months of occupying Hong Kong streets
although the arrests of the popular student leaders could also erode public
support for authorities.(21’)
Passage 2
As the skyline here vanished once again under choking smog this week,
city lawmakers reviewed new rules to curb this Chinese capital's even deadlier
haze: indoor smoking.
Smoking inside China's restaurants, bars and other facilities makes such
public places even more hazardous than facing smog outdoors, according to the
World Health Organization, which says smoking kills more than 1 million
Chinese citizens each year.
The organization welcomed Beijing's proposed ban on smoking in
indoor public places — expected to be passed Friday and take effect in
2015 as setting a strong standard for all Chinese cities. The new rules
include increased fines, up to $80, for a single violation.
The move follows the publication of draft regulations Monday for a tough
nationwide ban on indoor smoking, limits on outdoor smoking and restrictions
on tobacco advertising.
Doctors and anti-smoking lobbyists warn enforcing rules against
smoking — and changing pro-tobacco attitudes — remains tough in a
fume-filled society where smoking remains highly popular and little
criticized. With more than 300 million smokers, China is the world's largest
producer and consumer of tobacco products.
In recent years, the dangers of smoking and second-hand smoke caused
officials to ban indoor smoking in 14 cities, but those regulations remained
widely ignored and weakly enforced. The capital's new rules — stronger than


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