
2023-06-21 999+ 165.86KB 18 页
第 1 页 共 18 页
学 2016
A 卷 码 211
; 考
There are 20 multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the
word/phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined word/phrase in
each question OR that can best complete the sentence. Mark your
answers on your answer sheet.
1. Soon afterward, however, work began on the more modest Deep Sea Drilling
Project, which is not aimed at reaching the mantle but at exploring the crust itself.
A more sophisticated B more timid C less ambitious D less
2. By patient questioning the lawyer managed to _______ enough information from
the witnesses.
A. impart B. elicit C. withdraw D. evacuate
3. As the children's book market expanded, then, what both public and publishers
wanted was the kind of fiction Maria Edgeworth wrote: stories interesting enough to
attract children and morally instructive enough to allay adult distrust of fiction.
A clarify B attack C reduce D confirm
4. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm
situations into _________ ones.
第 2 页 共 18 页
A. suspicious B. turbulent C. tragic D. vulnerable
5. This is a long ________ ---roughly 13 miles down a beautiful valley to the little
church below.
A. degeneration B. descent C. tumble D. terrain
6. Diamonds have little ________ value and their price depends almost entirely on
their scarcity.
A. eternal B. intrinsic C. subtle D. inherent
7. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars' efforts for several decades until the early
nineteenth century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the
Greek inscriptions.
A continued B influenced C encouraged D frustrated
8. Lichens, probably the hardiest of all plants, live where virtually nothing else
can---not just on rugged mountain peaks but also on sunbaked desert rocks.
A most unusual B most basic C most abundant D most vigorous
9. Its peoples became great traders, bartering jewelry, pottery, animal pelts, tools,
and other goods along extensive trading networks that stretched up and down
eastern North America and as far west as the Rocky Mountains.
A producing B exchanging C transporting D loading
10. In order to prevent stress from being set up in the metal, expansion joints are
fitted which __________ the stress by allowing the pipe to expand or contract freely.
A. reconcile B. rectify C. reclaim D. relieve
11. Astronauts are _________ all kinds of test before they are actually sent up in a
A. prone to B. bound to C. inclined to D. subjected to
12. Some studies confirmed that this kind of eye disease was _________ in tropical
A. provocative B. prospective C. prevalent D. perpetual
13. It is one thing to locate oil, but it is quite another to _________ and transport it to
industrial centers.
第 3 页 共 18 页
A. permeate B. extract C. distinguish D. concentrate
14. Although he has had no formal education, he is one of the _________
businessmen in the country.
A. shrewdest B. nastiest C. sternest D. alertest
15. The traditional markets retain their ______ for the many Chinese who still prefer
fresh food like live fish, ducks, and chickens over packaged or frozen foods.
A. pledge B. image C. survival D appeal
16. All the ceremonies of the 2000 Olympic Games had a unique Australian flavor,
________ of their multicultural communities.
A. implicit B. conspicuous C. indicative D. noticeable
17. The police were altered that the escaped criminal might be in the _______.
A. vain B. vicinity C. court D. jail
18. Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been ____ towards producing
A. harnessed B. hatched C. motivated D. geared
19. The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ____ relations between
the two countries.
A. tumble B. jeopardize C. manipulate D. intimidate
20. When you put up wallpaper, should you _____ the edges or put them next to
each other?
A. coincide B. extend C. overlap D. collide
SECTION II Cloze (20×0.5 points)
Read the following passages from which some words are taken out.
Choose from the words given to make the passages complete.
Passage One


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