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昆明理工大学 2010 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试
考试科目代码:240 考试科目名称 :英语
试题适用招生专业 :单考
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3. 答题时一律使用蓝、黑色墨水笔或圆珠笔作答(画图可用铅笔),用其它笔答题不给分。
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Part I Vocabulary and structure (20%)
Directions: In this section, there are 40 sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A),
B), C) and D). Choose one of the words which is closest in meaning to the underlined word
or to complete the sentence and mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line
through the center.
1. I don't think Michael could another night without sleep.
A. stand B. support C. reserve D. retain
2. The river has five feet and threatens to overflow its banks.
A. raised B. been raised C. risen D. arisen
3. Here are some toys. You can one or two for your little son as a birthday gift from
A. single out B. pick out C. carry out D. work out
4. On entering another country, a tourist will have to the Customs.
A. go through B. go by C. go over D. go in for
5. You will soon this climate and then the changes in temperature will not affect you.
A. get used to B. get to C. get over D. get on with
6. We were for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late.
A. put back B. broken down C. held up D. kept off
7. In this way, smokers will know which brands are most to affect their health.
A. definitely B. likely C. naturally D. certainly
8. When there's a doubt, the chairman's decision is .
A. right B. definite C. fixed D. final
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昆明理工大学 2010 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题
9. It was difficult to guess what the old woman’s to the bad news would be.
A. impression B. response C. comment D. estimate
10. To our delight, she quickly adapted herself the new environment.
A. with B. to C. of D. into
11. His few personal belongings made it possible for him to move from place to
A. in ease B. at ease C. with ease D. with easiness
12. Prior his departure, he addressed a letter to his daughter.
A. to B. of C in D. from
13. I sent invitations to 80 people, have replied.
A. of whom only 20 of these B. only 20 of these who
C. of whom only 20 D. only 20 who
14. No sooner than the accident happened.
A. he had gone B. had he gone
C his going D he went
15. I would have come to see you had it been Possible, but I so busy then.
A. had been B. were C. was D. would be
16. He is of a musician.
A. anybody B. anyone C. somebody D. something
17. I regret harder at school.
A. not to have worked B. not having worked
C. not have worked D. having not worked
18. We carved their names on the stone future generations should know what they
had done.
A. in order that B. now that C. in order D. lest
19. Kubrick told his son to have his shoes .
A. shone B. shining C. shined D. polishing
20. Sue hasn’t paid her share of rent, so she a job yet.
A. would not find B. had not found
C. must not have found D. did not find
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昆明理工大学 2010 年硕士研究生招生入学考试试题
21. Several of these washers and dryers are out of order and _________ .
A. need to be repairing B. repairing is required of them
C. require that they be repaired D. need to be repaired
22. He preferred to continue his work rest on his achievements.
A. rather than B. other than C. better than D. more than
23. There are nine planets in the solar system, are larger than our earth.
A. some of that B. some of whose
C. some of which D. some of them
24. John a restless person. He kept moving from country to country.
A. must be B. should be
C. must have been D. should have been
25. When the fire broke out, .
A. the house became emptying B. the house had empties
C. the house had emptied D. the house was made empty
26. It is no good remember grammatical rules. You need to practise what you have
A. trying to B. to try to C. try to D. tried to
27. A force can make a body around a point which is not in its line of action.
A. rotating B. to rotate C. rotate D. rotated
28. The president approved of the requirement that all graduating students in the college
a thesis.
A. must write B. wrote C. write D. ought to write
29. occasional differences in opinion, Ron and Paul get along very well.
A. Except for B. Out of
C. In spite of D. In addition to
30. I came to China I knew what kind of country she is.
A. It is not until / when B. It is until / that
C. It was not until / then D. It was not until / that
31. He was from the firm because he was always late for work.
A. sacked B. retired C. discarded D. disposed


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